My Curls, My Way.




I know that when we are at home we think that getting ready is not really necessary. However, its a proven fact that what you wear can improve your mood, your performance and your focus.

On days when I feel down or tired doing my hair and putting some makeup on makes me feel fabulous.

Doing you hair and makeup is an instant self esteem booster. Put on a cute outfit, a little makeup and fix your hair and suddenly you will feel a new person.


I know girls! Many of you have kids and you might think that is unnecessary to get ready because you won’t see anyone except your kids all day long, but who cares?? Do it for yourself because you are worth the effort, taking care of yourself will make you feel fantastic.

On this post, I want to share with you the way I fix my hair when I want my curls to look amazing, so if you have curly hair this will help you and if you don’t you can also get ready and look fantastic.

When I want my hair to look great curly I…

  1. After I wash my hair while is still wet, I put on some product for curly hair. You can use the one that you like. If you have straight hair and want to try this, a gel or a mousse will work perfectly.

  2. Now you will use your blowdryer with a diffuser. it’s ok if you don’t have one.

  3. Start drying your hair by holding it on your hand. This might take some time, but girl, beauty takes time.

  4. When your hair is completely dry if you want you can use your curling iron to make it look better.

Self-care is how you take your power back

Did you try this tip?

Tag @danymorenosalon on Instagram #danymorenosalon or COMMENT below–I would love to hear your experience!


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