DIY Hair Mask For Hair Growth
There are several myths about hair growth but the only truth is it all depends on how long your anagen stage stays active. Often, my clients ask me how their hair can grow faster and I always answer them that there is not a miracle product to make their hair grow. It depends on their generics but It also depends on how they take care of their hair. I always have two questions for them. How often do you use hot tools? How often do they do conditioning treatments to moisture their hair?
When you use heat styling tools, such as curling irons, flat irons, tongs or blow dryers, they strip your hair of its natural oils and proteins by breaking down its hydrogen bonds. In fact, this breaking down of hydrogen bonds is the same reason your heat styling tools are able to give you the look you want. The excessive use of hot tools will make you have to trim your hair more frequently and this will delay the growth of your hair.
“Anagen is the active growth phase of hair follicles during which the root of the hair is dividing rapidly, adding to the hair shaft. During this phase, the hair grows about 1 cm every 28 days. Scalp hair stays in this active phase of growth for 2–7 years; this period is genetically determined. ”
Why do we use hair masks?
We put our hair through a lot of stress, whether it's from heat styling, new hairstyles or exposure to the elements. That can cause serious hair damage. Hair treatment masks can help reduce hair breakage and make your hair feel healthy all in the comfort of your own home.
I want to share with you a hair mask that I found really helpful to keep my hair healthy and avoid damage in order to help it to grow faster.
Coconut oil
Aloe vera or aloe vera oil. (Yes! The one that we use during vacations)
Rose water
Melt the coconut oil and mix everything together. Start applying the mask on your scalp and massage it for 2 min. Apply the mask all over your hair from roots to ends and comb it through to really saturate your hair. You can leave it during 45 min or for better results you can leave it overnight. Wash your hair as usual with your favorite shampoo. After shampooing use a deep conditioning mask. If you don't have one don't worry you can mix a little bit of coconut oil with your conditioner, leave it for 5 min and rinse. This will add shine to your hair.