Easy crown braid and makeup. Honoring Frida Kahlo for 5 de Mayo
5 de Mayo is coming and I want to honor one of my favorite Mexican artist, for this reason I would like to share with you 10 facts about Frida Kahlo’s life and a complete look hair and makeup inspired by her.
Portrait of Frida Kahlo I painted about 5 years ago.
10 Facts about Frida Kahlo
She was born in 1907 in Coyoacán, Mexico City. The Mexican Revolution began three years after her birth. Frida later gave her birth date as July 7, 1910 so that her life would coincide with the birth of Modern Mexico.
Frida was raised at La casa Azul ( The Blue House) in Coyoacán Mexico. This house is now a museum.
Her father was a photographer.
September 17, 1925 Kahlo was riding in a bus that collided with a trolley car. She suffered serious injuries as a result of the accident. After this terrible accident she became a painter.
She created 143 paintings out of which 55 are self-portraits. “I paint myself because I am often alone and because I am the subject I know best”. She is known as the master of self-portraits.
She married Diego Rivera, the love of her life. A famous Mexican painter who was 20 years older than her.
The flower crown became an evocative symbol of the naturalism of her native Mexico.
At the age of six, Frida contracted polio due to which her right leg became thinner than the left. She hid this through her life by wearing long colorful skirts.
In October 1937 issue of American Vogue, Kahlo was featured in an article called Senoras of Mexico. Kahlo also appeared on 1939 cover of Vogue Paris.
A huge reason she kept both her monobrow and mustache is because of Diego Rivera's love for those features. There were times when she questioned those features, and Diego would talk her into keeping them. He loved her monobrow and mustache because he said it enabled her to have masculine and feminine beauty.
“Take a lover who looks at you like maybe you are magic”
Picture of Frida Kahlo for America Vogue, 1937.
Frida Kahlo for Vogue Paris, 1939.
Fridays hair and makeup were a symbol of her strong personality. She used to put her hair up in a crown braid, and decorate it with flowers. I know doing a crown braid on yourself can be really difficult. In this post I will teach you an easy way to do it. Remember, you don’t need to use ribbons, also this look is perfect for any day to keep you pretty and fresh.
For the Frida Kahlo’s look you need:
Frida’s style crown braid
4 hair ties
a comb
hair clips
bobby pins
ribbons or any fabric of your favorite color
Flowers (optional)
For the makeup I will used warm tones red, pink and orange. Don’t forget to put lots of blush.
I hope you enjoy this look as much as I did. Try it on yourself, your daughter or any woman in your house. Stay safe and enjoy your 5 de Mayo.
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